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Rabbi Chaim Kramer
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
12:15PM EST -Inspirational Chassidic Teachings
Rabbi Chaim Kramer is largely responsible for introducing Rebbe Nachman’s teachings to today’s generation. He is a sought-after lecturer on Rebbe Nachman’s teachings by English-speaking congregations around the world. Rabbi Kramer has been the director of the Breslov Research Institute since its inception in 1979. BRI has been the main publishing-house for translations of classic and contemporary Breslov books. More than 100 titles are currently in print, in English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, and even Korean. Rabbi Kramer himself, is the author of “Through Fire and Water”, “Crossing the Narrow Bridge”, “Anatomy of the Soul”, “This Land is My Land”, and many more titles, as well as annotating the entire 15 volume English Edition of Likutei MoHaRan.

Eli Beer
Saturday, December 21, 2019
10:00AM EST -President & Founder of United Hatzalah of Israel
Eli Beer gathered a group of EMTs to listen to police scanners and rush to the scene when medical help was needed in their neighborhood. The initiative, known as Hatzalah (“rescue” in Hebrew), became United Hatzalah to represent the partnership of Jewish, Muslim, Druze, and Christian volunteers from all religious spectrums working together in order to save lives.

Natalie Sopinsky
Saturday, December 07, 2019
11:30AM EST -From Delaware to Sussya: The Journey of an All-American Girl from Delaware to a Torah Observant Life in the Hebron Hills
A lawyer, lifeguard, Zumba instructor, wife, and mother of five children, Natalie Sopinsky represents the 150 communities in Judea and Samaria as Director of Development for Rescuers Without Borders, the main U.S. charity for emergency medical needs in the Jewish heartland.

Rabbi Michael Melchior
Saturday, November 02, 2019
10:15AM EST -Torah Message
Rabbi Melchior is the Chief Rabbi of Norway. He has been a Member of Knesset for 10 years and is an activist for interfaith tolerance and dialogue.

Rabbi Dr. Bar-Ami Ben-Zion
Saturday, June 01, 2019
10:15AM EST -Torah Message
6:00PM EST -Spiritual Protection from God and His Angels (Including a Spiritual Guided Meditation)
Saturday, September 01, 2018
10:15AM EST -Torah Message
5:30PM EST -Rosh Hashanah – The Reward According to the Kabbalah
Saturday, April 28, 2018
10:15AM EST -Torah Message
5:00PM EST -“Kabbalah – a Key to Understand the Torah’s Secrets”
Saturday, January 27, 2018
10:15AM EST -Torah Message
3:30PM EST -Healing with Colors: The Healing Method Through Lights and Colors
Saturday, September 02, 2017
10:15AM EST -Torah Message
5:00PM EST -Meditation and Relaxation in the Jewish Tradition
Rabbi Ben-Zion Bar-Ami, Ph.D., is the director of the “Oht -Le - Olam” Research Institute of the Holy Language and Scripts and the director of “Hay Li” – Alternative Medicine School in Israel. He teaches Torah classes and is known for his unique Micrography art.

Anne Shoshana Deakter
Saturday, March 16, 2019
10:15AM EST -Connecting to your Life’s Calling
5:45PM EST -You Aren’t Here to be Good, You are Here to be Better
Often it takes a "wake-up" call for most of us to make serious changes in our lives. Anna Shoshana's was the early death of her beloved father and becoming a divorced single mom. Always the "seeker", she started looking for answers by learning multiple spiritual disciplines, including Jewish Spirituality and Kabbalah. For over two decades, Anne Shoshana has been a student and teacher of the ancient, immutable wisdom of the Torah, Mussar, and Kabbalah. She shares her journey in her new book and lives to inspire all who are ready to grow to their next level of innovation.
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